CATAS standard painting cycle

Water-based impregnating agent and water-based paint for an outdoor painting cycle certified by CATAS laboratories
Impregnating agent and water-based varnish, formulated to protect furniture and wooden structures from the action of sunlight, rain and humidity.
Raw wood: sand with 150 grain sandpaper until you get a uniform surface that is pleasant to the touch.
Apply by brush or spray one coat of water-based impregnating agent TT0490420 and leave to dry for 4 hours.
Once the water-based impregnation layer is completely dried, sand very lightly with abrasive pad or scotch brite. Apply one coat of larch water-based varnish WTVE011030LC by brush or spray and allow to dry for 4 hours.
Complies with EN 927-2: 2006 and further requirements of the technical regulations of the CATAS QUALITY AWARD COATING SYSTEM FOR EXTERIOR WOOD Certification CQA 2021 EN. (1)
* consult the certificate for certified products and shades.